
Aww...he passed his first test

The results are in and our baby has only a 1 in 50,000 chance of Downs Syndrome! GO BEAN! An amnio has a 1 in 200 chance of miscarriage, so we're going to pass on taking that test. (Ok, the real reason that we are skipping the amnio is that we heard that a friend's baby was nearly stuck in the head with the needle during theirs. I got freaked out and have lobbied against the test ever since. )

Anyway, three cheers for the bean!! Keep up the good work little fellow. Mommy and Daddy are praying for you!

Oh also, I use the term "he" only in the most general of ways. I'll get more specific on the 15th when we have our next appointment. Should our child cooperate, we'll find out the gender then.

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